News: Alta 360
ALTA® 360° Housewrap with Built-in Drainage and Next-Generation Durability
Longevity, quality, and peace of mind - these are the ideals any builder strives to bring to their customers and clients. Whether you’re constructing commercial buildings, or framing out family homes, wraps and housewraps are the barriers that you trust…
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What is the difference between Perforated WRBs vs. Non Perforated?
Synthetic Water Resistant Barriers (WRB’s) have been used as a secondary defense to air and water behind exterior cladding material for over 30…

Easy Installation, Any Conditions: ALTA® 360° Housewraps
Discover a housewrap with easy installation, less waste, and protection for any season. With ALTA® 360° housewraps, you can install…